PZHT/PZEHT High Temperature Range

PZHT/PZEHT High Temperature Range: Vibration Transducers including a range of Vibration Sensors to cover high temperature applications.


PZHT/PZEHT High Temperature Range

  • ICP® type, 10mV/g to 100mV/g sensitivity
  • Operation to +450 °C with broadband performance 5Hz – 10kHz
  • Separate charge amplifier up to 120 °C
  • ATEX Ex ia IIC T1


Product Data Sheets:

Please Click Data Sheet number to view full specification. 

Vibration Transducer Range

PZS Industrial Accelerometer (Shear Mode)
IEPE type, 100mV/g to 500mV/g sensitivity, ATEX / IECEx
Operation to +140°C with broadband performance 0.4Hz – 10kHz
Various connector and cable options
DS1263 Industrial Vibration Monitoring for Pumps, Fans, Motors, Centrifuges, Gearboxes, Compressors and Process Equipment.


PZV Industrial Velocity Vibration Sensor (Shear Mode)
IEPE type, 4mV/mm/s sensitivity, ATEX / IECEx
Operation to +140°C with broadband performance 2Hz – 6kHz
Various connector and cable options
DS1264 Industrial Steam Turbines and large machines requiring cyclic vibration monitoring (as opposed to impulse / high frequency vibration).


PZDC 4-20mA Loop Powered Industrial Velocity Vibration Sensor (Shear Mode)
+15.0 to +35.0V operation, various velocity ranges, ATEX / IECEx
Operation to +140°C with broadband performance 10Hz – 1kHz
Various connector and cable options
DS1265 Direct DCS/PLC/BMS integration for Pumps, Fans, Motors and Process Equipment.


VEL-G Moving Coil Velocity Range
Self generating output, 4mV/mm/s – 20mV/mm/s sensitivity
Frequency response 4.5Hz – 2kHz, ATEX / IECEx
L125 Industrial Steam Turbines and large machines in heavy industrial / high noise environments.


VEL-GLF Moving Coil Velocity Range Low Frequency
IEPE type, 20mV/mm/s sensitivity
Frequency response 0.5Hz – 1kHz,
DS1248 Slow rotating plant such as hydro electric generators / pumps, wind turbines & cooling fans where high sensitivity is also a requirement.


VEL-GDC 4-20mA Loop Powered Moving Coil Velocity Vibration Sensor
+15.0 to +35.0V operation, various velocity and displacement ranges,
Operation to +100°C with broadband performance 10Hz – 1kHz
DS1241 Direct DCS/PLC/BMS integration for Pumps, Fans, Motors and Process Equipment.


SP4 Short Period Seismic Accelerometer
2V/g to 50V/g sensitivity, broadband performance 0.1Hz – 1kHz
Internal calibration facility, side cable exit
DS1199 Strong motion seismic applications, structural monitoring and wind turbines.


Wilmore Short Period Seismometer
Short period adjustment 1 – 3 seconds, very high sensitivity
Dynamic Range >140dB,
Geotechnical applications such as seismology, mining and exploration.

Other Accelerometers

PZ Series Accelerometers
Applications include embedded, charge output and high temperature
PZS1, IEPE, single case, for embedded applications, 16grams DS1160 Embedded bearing monitoring and smaller machines.
PZXY, IEPE, dual case, triaxial, single point mount, 140°C DS1165 Structural monitoring and turbine pedestal vibration.
PZHT, 3-wire, 100mV/g, four hole mount, 240°C DS1109 High temperature vibration monitoring e.g. Gas Turbines.
PZEHT, 3-wire, 10mV/g, MI cable, four hole mount, 450°C DS1219 Very high temperature vibration monitoring e.g. Gas Turbines.
PZP1, Charge output, 20pC/g,  top exit, microdot conn, 27grams, 200°C DS1101 Nuclear robust vibration monitoring and generator winding vibration.
PZP2, Charge output, 100pC/g, top or side exit, 72grams, 200°C DS1102 Nuclear robust vibration monitoring and generator winding vibration.
PZCS (QZA), four point mount, 50uA/g, MOD approved, 90°C DS1110 General vibration monitoring and suitable for marine applications.


Mounting Studs and Magnets DS1119
Switch Boxes DS1170